Donation Page for Stockport Refugees Appeal |
The work with asylum seekers at Stockport Baptist Church continues as we have seen a steady inflow of new people over the last 12 months.
Our most pressing need is some accommodation for those who have been refused visas and have been made destitute by the Home Office. They are not allowed to work, do not receive any benefits, cannot legally rent any accommodation and are in limbo , waiting to apply for a 'fresh claim'.
We currently have 4 of our asylum seekers in this situation and are trying to support them with food, pocket money, transport costs and somewhere to stay. We have managed to acquire a small 3 bedroomed shared apartment in the centre of Stockport temporarily, which we are able to put up to 3 destitute asylum seekers but we need to cover the cost of the rent of approximately £400 a month.
If you would like to help support the work we do with refugees in Stockport then please make a donation by one of the following methods:
Make a donation on-line
To make donations via Just Giving online please click on the button below.
Make a donation off-line
Standing orders and one-off bank transfers
If you want donate a regular amount then use a standing order, which is easy to set up with your bank, and has the added advantage to us that we pay no fees on the donation. For one-off donations a simple bank transfer is preferred.
The following bank details should be used to set up either a standing order or a bank transfer:
- Bank name & branch Royal Bank of Scotland
- Account name Baptist Church Stockport
- Sort Code 16-17-33
- Account number 11172060
As an alternative method of payment for one off donations you can send us a cheque made payable to ‘Baptist Church Stockport' to the following address:
Stockport Baptist Church
Thomson Street